Ignite Presentations: Learner Response

The Handmaid's Tale 
  • Great opening slide- solid opening clearly laying out the text and narrative. Several slides used to get narrative across- suggests good planning and rehearsal.
  • Moves on to feminism and modern context- this is excellent and will be a key part of the essay.
  • Wider contexts clearly a strength- Poland and Planned Parenthood. Excellent research and engagement- if anything could offer more here
  • Moves on to representation- again, excellent well thought out structure. The presentation flows really well.
  •  Race/slavery content is interesting - but possibly a tangent too far with the gender/feminism angle?
  • Excellent use of imagery and gifs to illustrate points.
  • Presentation doesn't cover all key concepts-this demonstrates academic judgement and is a strength to the work. However, perhaps needed to consider audience/media effects briefly?
    Significance  5
    Structure      5
    Simplicity     4
    Rehearsal     4
  • Q+A: Nice opening Q on narrative, answer quite brief
  • Excellent, confident response on institutional context and links to US+UK
  • Feminist text discussion is interesting and handled well.
Self Assessment 

WWW-  On a whole I think my presentation showed my understanding of the text and the different perspectives that this text could be interpreted. My use of images also reinforced my argument.

EBI- I mainly focused on representation and briefly on cinematography so I could have added more media related topics such as institutions or target audiences the show was aiming for.

Critical Investigation 

From my ignite presentation I plan to use my key topics (narrative and representation) as my main concentration through out the essay. Having read articles and opinions of others and the actors and actresses involved in the series, I will also consider talking about the historical and social impacts this has had on society today.

Additionally, quotes like "Ordinary, said Aunt Lydia, is what you are used to. This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary." also open debates on how our society functions and how perhaps media has a possible influence.


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