Essay plan tutorial

Introduction – I agree it makes sense to define the key terms in the introduction. However, I would try and get some context in there too – there’s a real opportunity to discuss how feminist texts are all the more relevant in a world of Trump, Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment allegations, #metoo social media campaigns etc. Make sure you lay out your argument, introduce your primary text and any secondary/historical texts. 250 words.
Section 1 – this section seems to drift to race… I’m not sure that you have enough words for this investigation to move beyond gender? I wonder whether starting with a few good paragraphs on the Handmaid’s Tale would be a better way to go. Textual analysis, context, theory etc. 500+ words.
Section 2 – Argument against the Handmaid’s Tale being feminist. This should follow on from previous section. 400 words.
Section 3 – other historical/secondary texts. This is where things get tricky – you need to decide which direction you want to take the essay in and select the historical/secondary texts accordingly. This article was interesting on feminist films: whereas this article highlights feminist TV shows so perhaps could help find secondary texts?  Joan of Arc could work (your notes look good) but will it fit alongside a 2017 TV show? 400 words[?] Depends on what you choose to focus on.
Section 4 – Feminist theory and research. This is where you want to bring in the theory to develop your essay. Look up Butler, McRobbie, van Zoonen, bell hooks etc. 600 words.
Section 5 – How feminism will look in the future – arguably it is needed more than ever in a world of Trump and sexual harassment etc. 300 words.
Conclusion – sum up your argument, snappy ending please! 150 words.

Next steps…
·         Update/finish your plan based on this tutorial. You don’t need to stick to the above by any means but hopefully it has at least clarified your thinking and provided a potential structure that will be easy to follow.
·         Write your opening paragraph and email it to me (this will be Wednesday’s task) so I can give you some feedback before you start the rest of the draft.
·         This essay has great potential – the key is making sure there is a strong thread running through it and you have real clarity to your argument. You obviously need some great research into feminist theory too.

Publish this tutorial to your blog as a new blogpost called ‘Essay plan tutorial’ and write your next three steps in the project.


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